2023 NCERA-101 Annual Meeting


April 19 to 21, 2023


NCERA-101 Annual Meeting

University of California

Davis, CA


The University of California, Davis is pleased to invite you to attend the 2023 Annual Meeting of the NCERA-101 Committee on Controlled Environment Technology & Use. The conference is being held at the Conference Center of the University of California, Davis, on April 19-21, 2023. Davis is the ultimate college town, and it’s green, laid back, and friendly. You can walk or bike from the main campus to the main street in a few blocks.

Details on accommodations and registering for the meeting can be found here

The agenda for the meeting can be found HERE (PDF)

Registration LINK

Hotel Accommodations LINK

Travel Information Link


If you are coming with a spouse/partner (non-delegate), you may choose to include them in our Gala Dinner and Winery Dinner at Great Bear Vineyards. Please purchase both tickets or either of them as you see appropriate. Conference registration is separate from the hotel booking.


Academic, Government, and Industry Members

if you plan to present a station report (one presentation per institute/industry), add your information to the sign-up sheet at the following link: HTTPS://DOCS.GOOGLE.COM/SPREADSHEETS/D/1QIKSVK00R6MB7QBSOTLZ0C0DIAPLRYANXIRTNFBTFVY/EDIT#GID=0


Industry Members

 If you are interested in An industry display area, please contact Shamim Ahamed (mahamed@ucdavis.edu).


Student Participants

Student Lightning Talks and Poster Presentation Sessions are planned for Wednesday and Thursday.


Event Contact

If you have any questions regarding the event, please send an email to events@ucdavis.edu



Members are asked to submit a yearly Station Report summarizing their activities over the past year. Guidelines for writing Station Reports have recently been updated significantly and the current guidelines can be found HERE.