Prepared by the International Committee for Controlled Environment Guidelines
Sponsored by and published for the UK Controlled Environment Users’ Group (UK-CEUG), the North American Committee on Controlled Environment Technology and Use (NCERA-101), and the Australasian Controlled Environment Working Group (ACEWG)
Conditions in controlled environment tissue culture rooms and chambers should be reported in detail for comparison of results and duplication of experiments. The guidelines presented here, including additional information on where to measure parameters and an example of how to report your experimental conditions, should help meet these aims, indicating a required, minimum amount of information that should be reported. They may also highlight parameters that could be important, but that may not have been considered for measurement. Three different publications are available:
1. The Tissue Culture Guidelines Brochure is designed to be printed in color on both sides of a single sheet of paper (either A4 or Letter size) and folded twice into a convenient leaflet. One of the recommended distribution methods is to place several copies of the brochure in a container located below the small Tissue Culture Guidelines Poster (see 2. below) that is mounted at a prominent location in a Tissue Culture facility.
2. The small Tissue Culture Guidelines Poster is designed to be printed in color on one side of a single sheet of paper (either A3 or Ledger size) and encapsulated. A recommended display method is a prominent location in a Tissue Culture facility so users will encounter the poster as they make use of the tissue culture rooms and chambers.
3. The large Tissue Culture Guidelines Poster is designed to be printed in color on one side of a single sheet of paper (poster size; e.g., 914 by 1168 mm or approximately 36 by 46 inches). This laminated poster is designed to be displayed at a scientific meeting so researchers can review the guidelines recommended by the Committee. It is recommended that the display of the large Tissue Culture Guidelines Poster be accompanied by a stack of Tissue Culture Guidelines Brochures for interested researchers to take with them.
If you are interested in measuring and reporting environmental parameters in conventional controlled environment rooms and chambers then go to Minimum Guidelines for Measuring and Reporting Environmental Parameters for Experiments on Plants in Growth Rooms and Chambers, also prepared by the International Committee for Controlled Environment Guidelines.